2nd informal meeting with JAXA colleagues

Revision for “2nd informal meeting with JAXA colleagues” created on 2 Marzo 2018, 16:03:28

2nd informal meeting with JAXA colleagues
Present: Giovanni Signorelli (GS) Masahiro Tsujimoto (MT) Hirokazu Ishino (HI) MT proposes three items for which there could be collaboration: <ol> <li>Radiation environment in L2</li> <li> Magnetic EMI</li> <li> Design harnesses b/w warm and cold electronics.</li> </ol> MT answers the questions from THALES engineers. Output and todo's: <ol> <li>GS will discuss items with FS and Thales engineers</li> <li>Understand what is the scope of the CDF study in electronics</li> <li>Write Masashi a list of possible contributions</li> <li>Get back to MT when this is more clear</li> </ol> &nbsp; &nbsp;

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
2 Marzo 2018, 16:03:28 giovanni.signorelli

Writen by giovanni.signorelli